The Benefits of Using Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers in Your Home

In addition to your home’s HVAC system, there are two other important ‘appliances’ that many homeowners are unaware of – humidifiers and dehumidifiers.  These two optional appliances when used in your home provide a variety of benefits to help maintain acceptable indoor air quality in your living space.  Additionally, both appliances help to increase the overall efficiency of your heating and cooling system while enhancing the overall health of your air duct system as well.

The ultimate goal of humidifiers and dehumidifiers is to control and regulate the amount of humidity that is present in your home, which will differ from season to season.  With this thought in mind, let the professionals here at M&A HVAC Services, LLC share with you the benefits provided by each and why they are so important to your living space.

Humidifiers and Their Benefits – A humidifier serves to add humidity to the air levels in your home.  They are available in different sizes, some small to work well in individual rooms, and others larger to work within multiple spaces or larger rooms.  Additionally, there are humidifiers that can be hooked up to your central heating and cooling system in your home so as to humidify the entire home at the same time.

During the colder seasons the amount of humidity outdoors drops desperately which ultimately causes the same drop on the inside of your home.  As humidity levels drop, they can wreak a whole lot of problems from dry skin to even flu symptoms.  When you use a humidifier, however, you help to keep your body moist and soft.  Your skin will crack and peel less and will be less itchy as well.  A humidifier will also help to reduce the spread of many types of illnesses, help prevent sinus problems and infections and can also help in your faster recovery should you become sick.

A humidifier also helps make your inside living space feel warmer on really cold days and will eliminate the static electricity that is often present in the atmospheres in your home during the cold temperature seasons while keeping all your indoor flowers and plants healthy.

Dehumidifiers and Their Benefits – A dehumidifier helps to remove humidity that is present in your home’s indoor air.  Again, there are smaller sized dehumidifiers that can be used in a single room in your home and larger dehumidifiers that serve larger rooms and spaces.  There are also dehumidifiers that can be connected to your HVAC system as well.

The benefits of dehumidifiers are many with portable appliances being much quieter and energy efficient.  Some dehumidifiers require owners to empty water pans when they become full while others, if connected directly to your HVAC system are automatically connected to the discharge drain on your system.

Some of the simple benefits of dehumidifiers include the fact that they provide a much better indoor air quality to your home and again this task will vary season to season.  They also reduce any musty odors you may have in your home while helping to alleviate dust, dander, pet hair, and pollen allergy symptoms.  Additionally, dehumidifiers reduce mold and mildew infestation in your home and help minimize the spread of dust mites.   Finally, they assist in limiting condensation problems in your home and can surely make you feel a whole lot cooler when indoors, especially during the scorching, hot temperature months.

To learn more about humidifiers and dehumidifiers for your home and living space, or if you are in need of heating and cooling system repairs or maintenance, or air duct cleaning services then we are the team for you.  Reach out to one of our HVAC specialists here at M&A HVAC Services, LLC for a free consultation.  We look forward to serving you and to providing you with the best all round HVAC products, services and repairs this side of Tennessee!